This was a game that I have made for my University project. Feedback would be appreciated.

You play as a miner traversing three different levels.


Use the left and right arrow keys to move the player.

Use the space bar to jump. You can use the jump to take out enemies. However, some enemies can't be jumped on.

Press the Z key to throw a pickaxe. You can use this as an alternative to taking out enemies.


Graphics made by me.

Sounds were provided by free sound under creative commons 0.

Coin collect sound:


Player Hurt sound:

Heal sound:

Player death sound:

Throwing pickaxe sound:

Enemy death provided by my tutor.


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Very good game.  I've already spent an hour on it and this shows no sign of getting dull. Very simple game-play, which I like and the sounds make me giggle.  Still not made it to the end but with a little more practice hopefully I will.

I love this game! Comical sound effects, simple to play & visually pleasing. I particularly  like the sound when you jump on the bugs.